Istrolid Update 0.47.4 - AI Fixes
Nov 26, 2017
AI Fixes.
- Fixed AIs getting stuck somehow for no reason.
- Fixes issue in the AI editor, when moving rules up and down.
- Updated Mini Charger
- Kick AIs Upon Changing Game Mode. Previously AIs clogged up the player count, potentially locking a server if a player repeatedly added them and swapped modes. Now that they are kicked this is no longer possible.
New Shadow Parts (for DLC owners only)
- Added curved and front amor heavyweight shadowed pieces.
Part Changes
- 180 Turret Mount, arc increased to 200, cost decreased from 18 to 15. The 180 mount was underused because of the relatively low price difference with the 270 for much higher reliability. This change should let it be used to circle enemies and shoot more consistently.
- Sidewinder tracks further, moves faster, and does 25% less damage. Sidewinder was shutting out a lot of potential play by being a giant bursty wave of damage that was effective against large and small units alike. We also heavily diminished the weaknesses in consistency that demanded its original power.
- Demispinal Turret Mount cost reduced from 10 to 8
- Dampener Mod hp increased from 5 to 10
- Heavy Flak hp increased from 5 to 10